Canadian Homestay Program

From July 23rd to August 5th we held our annual “Canadian Homestay Program” which is organized by our Senior High English Department.

This program is held in the city of Barrie which is in the suburbs of Toronto, Canada. Our students mainly stay with Christian families and experience life in an English environment. They get to interact with the many different cultures of people that live and attend church in Canada. Experiencing all these cultures, living and worshiping together in harmony, helps spread the point of view that we all should accept diversity. Our students also interview their host families about their roots and heritage to help them further understand that racial diversity can be a good thing. Canada is a country made of emigrants so tolerance is taught and encouraged in all the host homes. Canadian life is enriched by having so many people who cherish each other’s cultures and take pride in their diversity and rich heritages.

Canadian Interview Challenge about homestay family.pdf

By having such an experience, our students can accept these values as their own, which is the first step to encouraging and accepting diversity in Japan. Students can understand and learn about many cultures and values by just spending a few weeks in the attractive country of Canada.

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